Monday, May 11, 2020

How Staying Active Can Help Against Calcium Oxalate Stone Growth

Calcium Oxalate Stone Growth

If you suffer from calcium oxalate stone growth in your kidneys, then it's imperative you make the necessary lifestyle adjustments. Changing your diet is the most important thing you can do to manage your condition. But staying active might be important as well for several reasons.

Calcium Oxalate Stones May Make You Not Want to Exercise

As you may already know, calcium oxalate stones can be very comfortable. You may feel pain on your ribs, abdomen, and even groin. The fact that exercising is going to use all those muscles on your core is a very legitimate reason why you wouldn't want to exercise if you're dealing with the condition.

Moving around can exacerbate the uncomfortable symptoms and pain. However, there are good reasons why you want to stay active even if you're dealing with this condition. On top of a better diet, you need to be mindful of the link between your kidneys and exercise.

How Staying Active Can Help

Studies have shown that physical activity can help with the formation of the stones. There's a strong link between obesity and the formation of these stones. It may have some kind of effect on your ability to process minerals and salts which the stones are made of.

So you want to support your kidneys and exercise regularly. Staying active can also help you on a psychological level. It may make you become more health conscious, focus on what you're eating, and help you keep track of your caloric intake. All of these things have a positive impact on preventing calcium oxalate stones.

Exercise Doesn't Need to Be Intense

The good news is that the level of exercise you need to engage in doesn't need to be intense. It can be something as simple as a brisk walk for a couple of hours every week. So if you don't want to engage in heavy physical activity due to the fear of exacerbating the symptoms, all you have to do is go on a walk a few times a week. It's a simple exercise calcium oxalate stones solution.

Obviously, it will help even more if you can step up the intensity. If you're overweight, you need to be mindful of the fact that the excess weight can be contributing to the calcium oxalate stones. Try to step it up if moderate or heavy exercise doesn't affect the symptoms you're experiencing.

The bottom line is that you need to stay active if you're dealing with this condition. Again, walking is the most simple exercise calcium oxalate stones solution. If you have a hard time getting in the habit of exercising or don't want to make the symptoms worse, it's the least that you can do. 
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About Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Stone
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