Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Kidney Stone Dissolver and Health Supplement


If you are dealing with kidney stones, you may look for an alternative or natural way to get rid of them and keep them from coming back. You may be looking for an effective kidney stone dissolver to help you pass the kidney stones. Here are some dissolvers and health supplements that you should be aware of.

kidney stone dissolver

1. Lemon juice

You may not have known that lemon juice can actually help you with your kidney stones. Lemon and other fruits like lime and oranges contain citrate. This will help prevent the calcium oxalate stones from forming and will even help break small stones. Citrate prevents stone formation by two mechanisms. First, it binds with urinary calcium, thereby reducing the supersaturation of urine. In addition, it binds calcium oxalate crystals and prevents crystal growth.  With this kidney stone dissolver, you don’t want to just squeeze some lemon into your water, you will want to make something like lemonade.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Similar to the way lemon juice works, apple cider can help dissolve kidney stones. It contains acetic acid, which is known to wear away at kidney stones. Drinking vinegar can also help flush your system out. Take note that you do not have to drink a large amount of apple cider vinegar. Just a few spoons of it with water can help.

3. Dandelion root

Dandelion roots can be used to help you with kidney stones. While it is not a kidney stone dissolver, it does help prevent the formation of kidney stones. You can buy dandelion root tea online or make a juice out of dandelions. Be aware that this has interactions with various medications. Talk to your doctor and do your own research to see if you’re clear to consume dandelion root.

4. Kidney stone supplements

Many of these supplements contain Chanca Piedra, an herbal root given the nickname “stone breaker.” This ingredient has helped some people while others have reported that it didn’t help with their condition. Medical professionals say Chanca PIedra should not be taken longer than 3 months. Kidney C.O.P. Calcium Oxalate Protector has active ingredients or a formula which allows you to take the product on going every day safely.  Always do your research and read customer reviews to assess the products. 

5. Baking soda

If you have kidney stones that are uric acid stones then consuming baking soda can help. Consuming baking soda has been shown to increase the pH levels of your urine. Urinary pH is thought to be a major determinant for kidney stone formation. Uric acid, cystine, and calcium oxalate stones tend to form in acidic urine, whereas struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) and calcium phosphate stones form in alkaline urine. Supersaturation of calcium phosphate increases rapidly as urine pH rises above.

6. A low urine pH is the most important factor leading to uric acid stone formation. 

Along with these natural remedies, you have to make sure that you are adjusting your diet according to the type of kidney stone you have. For calcium oxalate stones, learn about which foods have high oxalate content. Measure the oxalate content you are consuming throughout the day and take steps to reduce the levels.

For uric acid stones, you want to limit the intake of animal proteins. Eating various meats, eggs, and seafood increase the uric acid levels in your system. You should also lower the amount of sodium you’re consuming as well as avoiding sugary foods. There have been studies showing that fructose, in particular, lead to an increased risk in kidney stones. As you know, many processed foods tend to have high levels of high fructose corn syrup.

Finally, don’t forget to drink a ton of water. You should aim for 8 to 10 glasses of water. You need to help flush out the water from your system. You’ll have a more difficult time passing the stones, if you’re not getting the water to help move the kidney stones. This is especially important during the last phase where you’ll be removing it through your urine.

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About Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Stone
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