Tuesday, April 13, 2021

What Age Are Kidney Stones Usually the Worst?


Kidney stones are a condition that can affect anybody. Kidney stones are usually caused by the build-up of calcium, oxalates, phosphates or uric acid and/or a combination of these in your urine. This can result in kidney stones forming that can be very painful to pass through the urinary tract. While kidney stones can affect anybody, there are certain demographics that are at higher risk and can lead to greater complications.

Men Are at Higher Risk

One thing that's clear is that men tend to get the condition more than women. This fact has been verified by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). If you are male and dealing with some of the risk factors for developing kidney stones, you need to take your health more seriously.

The best thing you can do is to make dietary adjustments to prevent the formation of kidney stones. This means drinking more water, avoiding certain foods, improving your diet, and maintaining a healthy weight. Kidney stones can be exceedingly difficult to deal with once you do develop them.

When Do Kidney Stones Typically Occur?

Kidney stone prevalence increased with age until age 70, then declined. Your first kidney stone is most likely to occur between the ages of 20 and 50. You may think that you are not susceptible to the condition if you are a young adult, but this isn't true. There are many examples of adults getting the stones at a young age, so it's foolish to think youth is a deterrent.

Is There an Age Group that Experiences the Biggest Problems?

There is no particular age group for which the condition is worse. However, it's common sense that it will be more difficult to treat or manage kidney stones if you are older and have other comorbidities. Many older people will have other pre-existing conditions that can exacerbate the kidney stones or vice versa.

Health Conditions are The Better Indicators of Severity

Rather than focus on demographic data, it's better to look at the health conditions that may make this condition difficult to deal with. Here's a short list.

- Diabetes causes high blood sugar levels which makes your blood and urine more acidic. These conditions can lead to the formation of kidney stones, making it hard to manage both health challenges.

- People with a family history of stones may have ongoing continual challenges with kidney stones..

- Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for developing kidney stones. There is a clear link between excess weight and the formation of kidney stones.

Overall, don't worry too much about your age group. Put more emphasis on the other health issues that are risk factors and work to manage or resolve these health issues.

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About Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Stone
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